Athletes must qualify for solar assessment to participate. Must be homeowner on LI or NYC. Must meet minimum credit score and roof age requirements. New clients only. Does not apply to anyone who has already had a solar assessment completed. Valid for any athletes who complete an in-person solar assessment. Sponsorship of race will be processed after solar assessment is completed. NO PURCHASE REQUIRED. Choose any one RaceAwesome events. Sponsorship does not include USAT or USAC fees.
Race Awesome
Race for free – on EmPower!
Your solar consultation is obligation free. Simply learn how much savings you can earn by switching to solar.
Choose any one RACE AWESOME event and race for free!
Did you know? Over 100 RaceAwesome athletes and staff have already started saving by making the switch with RaceAwesome sponsor EmPower Solar.
To learn more or speak with RaceAwesome’s Director Corey, email him at or call 516-837-3459.