Why You Should Go Solar Today

A family home on Long Island that has installed solar panels on the roof. The house is surrounded by beautiful green landscaping.

If you’ve filled up your car’s tank with gas recently, you’ve probably experienced shock and awe at the final number. Your hand might even have trembled as you reached into your wallet for your card. Gas prices have reached previously unseen heights. It’s caused us all to rethink if taking a quick drive was really worth it.

The Problem: Rising Energy Prices

In early March, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent shock waves across the globe. Among its effects were rising gasoline, natural gas and electricity prices for US consumers. Gas prices previously reached a record-breaking high in 2008, and prices today would have to surpass $5.30 a gallon in today’s money in order to beat 2008 rates. With Long Island and NYC gas prices ranging from $4.06 to $4.60, and rising, we’re not too far off.

New York City ConEd customers are feeling the heat too. Many have been hit with bills that are triple what they usually pay, although they are not consuming triple the electricity. The company legally cannot make a profit selling electricity. Instead, they can raise delivery charges to help cover the cost of infrastructure improvements. Increased bills are also being influenced by energy prices, which can be volatile.

In addition, inflation continues to rise. Last month, inflation rose at the greatest rate since 1981. Rising inflation and gas prices have caused consumer goods, like food, to become pricier. People are looking for ways to cut costs.

The Solution: Install Solar Energy!

Solar has emerged as one of the best options for homeowners looking to save money on bills and avoid reliance on fossil fuels. Once installed, the cost of solar energy generated is fixed. This acts as a way to protect against rising and volatile fossil fuel prices. This Earth Day, there is no better time to go solar- for the environment and for your wallet.

We’re seeing positive changes on a policy level too. Last week, NYS authorized the Solar Roadmap new plan to decrease the state’s reliance on nonrenewable energy in order to reach the state’s goal of using 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030. National Grid has also announced that it has pledged to no longer use fossil fuels by 2050.

Solar energy provides consistency, reliability and durability, as well. EmPower exclusively installs SunPower systems for its residential projects, which offer users the longest and most comprehensive warranty on the market. It’s not just for your home either. EmPower can also help you install Electric Vehicle charging at your house, helping you save an estimated $1,000 per year on gasoline. Adding a Tesla Powerwall to your system can help improve the resiliency of your solar system in case of emergency, and reduce your reliance on the electric grid.

The Answer

EmPower can help you go solar today. As inflation continues to affect prices, installing a solar system on your roof delivers immediate savings and around $100,000 over the lifetime of the system. There are also a number of incentives and rebates available that can help you offset the cost of installing a system, and you can even get an estimate today.

If you are unable to go solar at your home for any reason, you may be able to participate in a community solar project. By enrolling in community solar, you are able to offset your energy bill by supplementing traditional energy with solar. This has been harnessed from a separate location.

Going solar can help you save money on your gas and electricity bills. This is especially important as inflation causes prices to rise. Contact EmPower today to see how you can start saving money and create a greener world this Earth Day.

Save up to 30% on day one and say goodbye to rising electric bills

Save up to 30% on day one and say goodbye to rising electric bills

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