The Results are In! 2011 Marks Tremendous Growth for the Solar Industry - EmPower Solar

The Results are In! 2011 Marks Tremendous Growth for the Solar Industry

2011 was an exciting year for solar in the U.S., achieving record growth and 1,855 MW of installed photovoltaic systems. This represents a 109% growth over 2010, doubling from 887 MW, according to a Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) report.

2011 industry growth brought the United States to a capacity of 4,460 MW of installed solar PV, enough to power nearly one million households.

It was also a major year for the commercial PV market which grew 27% and reached 800 MW of solar installations. A large amount of this growth is due to the Section 1603 Treasury grant program which expired on Dec. 31st 2011.

2011 also marked an increase in solar affordability. It has been reported that the average cost of a completed PV system dropped by more than 35% since the beginning of 2010.

EmPower is excited about the growing demand of Solar PV on Long Island. In 2011 EmPower achieved over 2MW of solar installations. Attractive rebates and incentives have driven the appetite for solar energy and allowed our customers to reduce their carbon footprint and save money in doing so. We are excited to continue EmPowering our customers through 2012 and look forward to seeing even more growth this year!

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